Learning Everest Team

About Learning Everest Team

Learning Everest is a leading eLearning company based out of Pune India. Our clients include corporate customers, universities, training, and eLearning companies. We are a one-stop solution to all your learning needs and are a committed and seasoned team of learning professionals who have worked for some of the finest companies in the world.

4 Clear Reasons Why Social Learning is Essential for Learning Cultures

2024-03-01T15:04:18+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Onboarding Training|

When talking about learning cultures, there is often a greater emphasis on individual learning as compared to social learning. However, countless definitions of learning cultures touch upon the social aspect of learning as a key driver of organizational learning. Without shared knowledge and team learning, businesses cannot successfully establish a learning culture since learning in a vacuum only goes so far. In fact, even enterprises without a learning culture heavily rely on collaboration among departments and team members for meeting business targets and overcoming challenges. This article will go over 4 reasons why social learning is vital to an organizational learning culture and should be a mainstay of L&D strategy. 

5 Brilliant Tips to Build a Remote Learning Culture in Your Organization

2024-03-18T18:37:59+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

A remote learning culture is one that supports remote and hybrid employees’ participation in continued organizational learning and information sharing. A majority of businesses today have at least a partially remote workforce, making it imperative that their training activities accommodate this section of employees. Building a learning culture requires consistent targeted efforts, and remote learning cultures have some additional considerations to be mindful of. This article will give you some tips to effectively build a remote learning culture in your organization. 

8 Best Advantages of Rapid Authoring Tool to improve the interactivity of eLearning courses

2024-03-01T14:56:23+05:30Categories: Articulate Storyline 360, Learning Needs, Mobile Learning|

Before we dive in to understand the advantages of rapid authoring tool and how it can improve the interactivity of eLearning courses, let us first understand what is a rapid authoring tool?

5 critical challenges of scenario-based learning?

2024-03-18T18:35:36+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, Scenario Based Learning|

What do you think is scenario-based learning and what are the challenges of scenario-based learning? A scenario is a story with characters and real-life conflicts and situations. A scenario-based learning program offers the learners a scenario or a situation and is then asked how to move forward in that given scenario to generate the learner’s response. A scenario works just like those stories you read. Instead of teaching through instructions, a scenario helps learners visualize situations involving characters playing specific roles. Here the learner gets to make certain decisions based on the situation, leading to positive or negative consequences.  

What is the difference between Articulate Storyline and Articulate Rise?

2024-02-29T12:05:55+05:30Categories: Articulate Storyline 360, eLearning, Mobile Learning|

While the current eLearning industry is inundated with rapid authoring tools, two are most used in the eLearning market. These tools are Articulate Storyline and Articulate Rise. Both tools have several noteworthy features that top instructional designers of the industry rave about. While both are standard eLearning software options, Rise and Storyline have unique pros and cons. The Storyline is user-friendly and ideal for customizing templates, while Articulate Rise is more flexible for creating content. 

3 Learning Culture Leaders: Strategies for Success

2024-05-14T11:56:22+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

Take a minute to think about the leading companies in your industry. Chances are that they are not only industry leaders but also learning culture leaders in their respective spaces. This is because companies with a strong learning culture are 30% more likely to be market leaders and 92% more likely to innovate (Source: Deloitte). In other words, for a vast majority of businesses, a strong culture of learning goes hand in hand with strong market performance. In this article, we will look at 3 present-day learning culture leaders and the strategies that helped them earn this position.  

4 Tips to Build an Inclusive Learning Culture in Your Organization

2024-03-01T14:51:09+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

In the L&D sphere, there’s always talk of learning cultures but very little mention of an inclusive learning culture. Whether organizations deliberately pursue diversity or not, they are inherently diverse to some extent because due to individual differences among employees. Building a culture of learning is, therefore, better than one that isn’t, because it has a broader scope within the company. In this article, you will find 4 tips for fostering a diverse learning culture in your organization so that all employees can participate equally.  

6 Industries That Need Product and Service Training

2024-05-18T11:31:55+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, Product and Service Training|

For various reasons, product and service training is an important part of corporate industries. As industries become more mechanized, the demand for trained product and service employees is increasing in areas such as manufacturing, production, distribution, and sales, creating a surplus of opportunity. The product and service training offers several rewarding careers to individuals passionate about delivering important services to their community. This article will define and explain the importance of product training and service training to specific industries. 

2 Compliance Training Mistakes that Increase Training Time

2024-03-01T14:48:59+05:30Categories: Compliance Trainings, Learning Needs|

With compliance training being such a routine aspect of businesses, organizations might sometimes fail to identify potential compliance training mistakes they’re making. Some of these oversights can increase compliance training time, costing companies hours they could have utilized elsewhere. This article will highlight 2 common compliance training mistakes and offer solutions to them so you can shorten compliance training time for your future compliance programs.Â