Online training is beneficial to professionals around the globe. In the past years, people have become busier, and technology has become more advanced. Therefore, online learning has become more attractive for personal and professional development. Organizations can purchase the courses or create them according to their requirements and then distribute them among their employees. So, how are they beneficial to your organization and employees? Before finding out the benefits let us briefly discuss what online training is!

Table of Contents

What is Online Training?

Online learning is learning over the internet. It is transferring knowledge through the internet. It allows people from anywhere in the world to know. There are two versions of online courses – free and paid versions. Online training is rapidly increasing and changing the corporate world.

Online courses provide notes in PDFs, word documents, video tutorials, and more. These help the learners to study faster and easier. Certifications are also offered after the online training to award candidates for understanding their capabilities.

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Benefits of Online Training

The following are how online training can benefit your workforce and business:

1. Access to learning content anytime, anywhere

2. Facilitates better, long-term retention of information

  • The learner may take notes during a training session. But, these may not be the most effective ones. Moreover, notes taken in a hurry during the training session might not always be legible.
  • Online training makes knowledge retention easy. eLearning helps employees retain the knowledge than instructor-led training.
  • This is because employees have more control over the pace at which they can learn.
  • It is adaptable to various learning styles.
  • Every individual’s learning style is different. E-learning allows learners to learn the course at their own pace. It will enable the learners to take the course favorable to their learning style.

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  • Top-notch Quality – get the most effective courses designed by us.
  • Competitive Cost – yet at the most competitive cost.
  • Superfast Delivery – that too faster than your desired delivery timelines.

3. Requires significantly less employee time

  • According to a Brandon-Hall Study, eLearning requires 40% to 60%  less employee time than a traditional classroom setting.
  • Employees don’t have to travel to take training. There’s also no need to schedule travel to another city.

4. Cost-effective

  • Traditional training courses require a very high price for certifications and course completion.
  • It mainly requires physical copies of books and notes.
  • In online training, eBooks and notes are permanent. Certifications provided in online courses are printable, and they can also be shared on websites, social media, and more. They are highly cost-effective.

5. Community

  • When employees attend online training, they will get an opportunity to interact with people who have the same interests and learning goals.
  • Thus, a community is formed to interact and exchange doubts, ideas, and questions with people of similar interests.

6. Online Support

  • eLearning training has a customer support section that is always looking to help students.
  • A learner has the opportunity to interact with their trainer through email.
  • Online learning portals also provide chat support.

7. Learner can retake tests

  • The online training tests give learners less pressure than an actual exam.
  • Sometimes, the learner can retake a test if they are not satisfied.

8. Easy Accessibility

  • We are in a world where almost everything is readily accessible.
  • Online training allows learners to download online notes.
  • The learner can watch the training video again.
  • There is also scope for online support and interaction.

9. Consistency

  • In online training courses, everyone has the same content to learn.
  • Thus there is never a bad day of teaching.
  • Therefore, all the employees will come with the same quality of knowledge.

10. Variance

  • Not all of the employees will need the same training simultaneously.
  • Training online allows you to tailor every employee’s professional development.

11. Accuracy

  • The content in online training is up to date.
  • They are constantly revised to ensure that every user receives accurate information.

12. Engaging material

  • Online courses are interactive.
  • They provide active learning.
  • Therefore, it is easier to increase their retention of course content.

13. Expert Support

  • Online training has a facilitator.
  • They are well qualified and are available in discussion forums.

14. Digital record-keeping and administration

  • Training usually means hours of administrative work in large corporations.
  • Someone has to keep track of the employees participating in the training program.
  • In online training, employees register directly on the LMS.
  • Administrative staff can collect this information when needed.
  • Thus record keeping and administration are more effortless.

15. 21st-century business

  • People today spend most of their time with technology.
  • They are comfortable with technology.
  • Online technology is particularly more comfortable for the younger generation at the workplace.

16. Interactivity and gamification

  • Learning requires active participation from employees.
  • Gamification and interactivity in online training make this possible.

17. Just-in-time accessibility for worldwide employees

  • Online training is available 24/7 for an increasingly global and remote workforce.
  • Employees can access information when there is a need.

18. Access to resources anytime

  • If there are reference materials for the learners to refer to, employees can access them when they need them.

19. A risk-free environment

  • Some employees will be afraid to take part in instructor-led training.
  • It happens because of a fear of failure. eLearning solutions allow failing in a safe environment.

20. Reduces your company’s environmental impact

  • Online training is also better for the environment.
  • As reported by articulate in their blog, “Producing and providing distance learning courses consumes an average of 90% less energy and produces 85% fewer CO2 emissions per student than conventional face-to-face courses.”

What is the main benefit for training providers in using the online format in their offerings?

  • Once a course is developed, it can be offered to students globally.
  • You are competing with the training providers in the whole world.
  • It gives a possibility of reaching new markets globally

Final Words

Though some people prefer face-to-face training, some choose online training. Online training is cost-effective for organizations. It is the way to climb up the success ladder. With the corporate world going online in the present times, organizations certainly prefer online training for their hybrid workforce.


Benefits of Online Training

Benefits of Online Training

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does employee training benefit the organization?

The following are the benefits of training employees for an organization are as follows:

  • Trained employees will be able to make better decisions.
  • A well-trained employee shows greater productivity and higher quality of work output. Training increases both quantity and quality of production.
  • Training reduces the need for detailed and constant supervision.
  • When an organization requires new skills, they can train selected employees from within the organization.
  • The morale of employees increases when they are given proper training.

What is online training for employees?

Online learning takes place over the internet. Technology has made massive advances, and online learning has become an excellent personal and professional development option. Organizations can purchase courses as much they need for their employees.

What are the training tools for employees?

The following are employee training tools that help in the training method:

  1. Learning Platforms
  2. Learning Management Systems
  3. Web-Conferencing Tools
  4. Webinar Platforms
  5. Virtual Classrooms
  6. Content Creation Tools
  7. Course Authoring Tools
  8. Graphics & Design Tools
  9. Video And Audio Tools
  10. Document Creation Tools
  11. Communication Tools
  12. Project Management Tools

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online training?

Advantages of Online Learning

  1. Less in cost
  2. Time-Saving
  3. Tech-savvy
  4. Easy attendance
  5. Self-paced
  6. Improves time management
  7. More accessible

Disadvantages of Online Learning

  1. Lose Concentration
  2. Health Issues like damage to eyesight
  3. Lack of socializing skills
  4. Isolation
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