
Learning Everest regularly publishes articles on elearning which are information rich and provides the readers opportunity to ask questions. If you want us to assist your organization to create engaging and immersive elearning courses, please feel to schedule a meeting to discuss your learning requirements.

Best Rapid Authoring Tool for eLearning

2024-03-01T12:02:51+05:30Categories: eLearning, Mobile Learning|

When an organization requires a course to be built quickly or cost-effectively, they opt for rapid e-learning development. The instructional designer and developer use a rapid authoring tool to create such courses. These development softwares enable them to choose from pre-built customizable themes, templates, and interactivities to design courses faster and efficiently.

Rapid e-Learning Development: Why, How and When to Use

2024-03-01T12:01:59+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Is it possible to make a course within a few weeks? Yes, with rapid e-learning, you can! In this type of e-learning development, a course is made from scratch within just a few weeks. This includes designing, developing, and publishing the course. With the constantly changing face of technology, new ideas and needs, rapid e-learning development is preferred for organizations. It benefits them by having quick turnarounds, faster growth, and minimizing costs.

Effective Instructional Design Strategies for e-Learning

2025-01-10T15:44:08+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Scenario Based Learning|

Successful instructional design strategies for e-learning influence learners to complete the course and engage with it. It creates a holistic approach in the course where the learner takes the course and retains the content in their memory. It ensures that the course has used a strategy that accomplishes the learning objectives.

How to Change Employee Behavior

2025-01-10T17:26:30+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning|

To change employee behavior is essential to any organization. The change in employee behavior is for both mutual benefit and success. Employee behavior is a term used to refer to how an employee reacts to a specific circumstance or situation in a workplace. An employee's behavior must be sensible to maintain a healthy work culture.

Custom Corporate eLearning Development – Is It The Right Choice?

2024-03-07T11:28:47+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Mobile Learning|

Custom corporate eLearning development is a popular choice for organizations to train their employees on company policies or skill development. Instead of opting for pre-built e-learning courses, engaging in custom e-learning development caters to the organization’s personalized needs and is cost-effective in the long run. Many organizations wish to train their employees on different skill sets or company policies using e-learning courses. The primary benefit is that the employee can take the course from any location and learn at their suitable pace. It saves the organization the need to invest time and resources repeatedly to train its employees.

Importance of Learning Styles in eLearning

2024-02-29T11:55:35+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs|

Learning styles are essential in eLearning. It is necessary because understanding and recognizing them can improve the quality of the learning process. Learning styles are individual preferences to learn.  It is how learners receive, perceive, understand, express, memorize and recall new knowledge.

Learner Generated Content: Flipping Conventional Models

2025-01-09T17:15:06+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning|

In e-learning courses, the main aim for the learner while taking the course is to engage with it in such a manner that they can retain what they have learned. The approach of including learner generated content becomes a practical choice to make this possible. It is content that the learner creates in e-learning courses. It can either be direct additions to the course or extra material that helps the learner understand it better.

Importance of Mobile Learning in the Workplace

2024-03-01T11:53:09+05:30Categories: Mobile Learning, eLearning, Learning Management System, Learning Needs|

With a rapid increase in digitization in all spheres of life, almost every person is a smartphone user. People prefer using their smartphones as a single destination for their daily needs. From shopping, bill payments, and educational needs, the smartphone can help every individual. Organizations also notice the increased importance of mobile learning to train their employees.

Virtual Induction and Onboarding Training: The New Normal

2024-03-01T11:52:04+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Mobile Learning, Onboarding Training|

COVID-19 has undoubtedly made the entire world rethink several life choices. The workplace has transformed as well, and it has been a much-needed transformation. The pandemic has brought about the necessity of remote employee onboarding. With more and more organizations deciding to go utterly remote in all the aspects of their functioning, virtual induction and onboarding training have become the norm of the times.