
Learning Everest regularly publishes articles on elearning which are information rich and provides the readers opportunity to ask questions. If you want us to assist your organization to create engaging and immersive elearning courses, please feel to schedule a meeting to discuss your learning requirements.

All You Need to Know About the Elaboration Likelihood Model

2024-08-26T16:04:56+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

The Elaboration Likelihood Model is a framework that explains how individuals process stimuli, and how the kind of processing impacts the nature of attitude change. The model was proposed by Richard E. Petty and John T. Cacioppo in the 1980s. The elaboration likelihood model was proposed as a general theory of attitude change, delineating how best to make communications persuasive. It is intended to guide people on how to design persuasive systems, and has broad applications. This article will go over the model’s theoretical concepts to give you a complete understanding of how it functions.

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The role of the personal learning environment

2024-09-13T18:25:40+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

Personal learning environments (PLEs) are next-generation learning portals that give learners to manage and control their own learning journey. want to learn more? you are in the right place! Let’s discuss the benefits, the challenges and the process of an effective personal learning environment.

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What is the difference between upskill and reskill?

2024-12-16T12:38:32+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

As per a report from McKinsey, 87% of organizations say they already have employee skill gaps or are expecting them within a few times. Isn't the percentage alarming? The same report also says that 53% of executives/leaders say that building skills is the most important action to close the ability gaps, followed by hiring more talented individuals, redeploying, and engaging freelancers or contractors in the workplace. The solution? Upskilling and reskilling!

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John Dewey’s Education Theory: All You Need to Know

2024-10-05T13:02:12+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

John Dewey’s education theory emphasizes experience over traditional rote learning where students are passive recipients of information. Dewey, a philosopher of his time, advocated for education to facilitate exploration and meaning-making by hands-on interaction with the world. His theory and philosophical stance on learning have gained more traction in the mainstream over the decades, and have since become a well-acknowledged aspect of effective learning. This article will dive into John Dewey’s education theory and explore its central ideas and their application in eLearning.

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A Quick Guide to Summative Evaluation

2025-01-28T11:46:45+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

Summative evaluation is an important tool for assessing the outcome and impact of a learning initiative. It is used universally in various learning contexts from school classrooms to corporate training programs. Summative evaluation provides vital information about how a learning program fared, enabling well-informed decisions for improvement. This article will give you a quick breakdown of what summative evaluation is, its uses, and its methods.

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How can cultural awareness training be built in the workplace?

2025-02-24T10:30:41+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Process Training, Safety Trainings|

When people make favorable or unfavorable judgments about others based on stereotypes or preconceived ideas, this is known as unconscious or implicit bias. While everyone has unconscious biases, they can cause problems and lead to biased judgments when they manifest in the job. The solution? Cultural awareness training program.

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The role of learning tools interoperability (LTI) in L&D

2024-09-13T18:25:41+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Management System, Learning Needs, Performance Support Tools (PST)|

At the core of e-learning delivery system, there is a learning management system (LMS). It not only delivers the learning content but also develops an environment of learning and development that adds the content, the learner, the service provider, the instructional designer and the entire learning and development experience.

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High-impact teaching strategies for instructors

2025-01-10T16:33:08+05:30Categories: Compliance Trainings, eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Onboarding Training|

High-impact teaching strategies are a collection of instructional practices that can be used to improve learning. If you are interested in high-impact teaching, this is for you. Let’s dive in!

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A guide to competency-based training model

2025-01-28T13:41:15+05:30Categories: Compliance Trainings, eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

What is a competency-based training model? A competency-based training model is a learning approach that evaluates whether employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively. [...]

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5 ways of embedding applied learning in L&D program

2025-01-10T16:23:49+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

In an applied learning setting, learners can apply knowledge and skills gained from traditional learning to hands-on and/or real-world space, creative projects, independent or directed study, and vice versa. The applied learning activity can happen outside of the traditional classroom experience and/or be embedded as part of a course. Here we will discuss how you can embed applied learning as a part of your L&D programs. First and foremost…

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