Learning Culture

Learning Everest regularly publishes articles on Learning Culture which are information rich and provides the readers opportunity to ask questions. If you want us to assist your organization to develop learning culture and to help create a learning glidepath for your organization, please feel to schedule a meeting to discuss your learning requirements.

Learning Objectives that meets expected Learning Outcomes – 3 Simple Steps to Write Them

2024-04-08T09:14:18+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

Writing learning objectives that meets expected learning outcomes can do wonders for your organizational training endeavors. Learning objectives are the building blocks of any effective training program and determine which direction a course will take learners in. However, writing learning objectives is only the first step. They don’t ensure training success in isolation. Instead, they provide a solid foundation for the rest of the course to be built upon. In other words, it can be said that learning objectives are the first wave of momentum that boosts the rest of the instructional design process. 

Effective Soft Skills Training – 3 Essential E-learning Tools

2024-12-19T15:51:28+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

The importance of soft skills training is well established in the corporate L&D sphere but to get the best out of their upskilling efforts, businesses need to ensure they are offering effective soft skills training to their employees. Seasoned learning professionals will agree that building training programs for soft skills is often more challenging than hard skills. Nevertheless, soft skills training has ended up becoming a staple in most top businesses today. E-learning, with its plethora of delivery options, provides a range of tools to provide effective soft skills training to learners. This article will introduce you to some of the best ones. 

4 Essential Empathy-Building Strategies to Enhance Diversity Training

2025-01-07T18:06:58+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

Effective empathy-building strategies are key ingredients in diversity training programs. Empathy-building improves learner buy-in, without which, a diversity training program can backfire or lose its impact. Today, an estimated 98% of businesses offer one or more diversity programs to their employees (Source: Boston Consulting Group). Empathy-building strategies are a great way to ensure that these programs are meaningful to learners and inspire change. In this article, you will find 4 strategies to use in your diversity training programs for improving learners’ empathy.  

3 Highly Relevant Soft Skills Training for Your Employees

2025-01-08T13:53:17+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

Well-rounded employees possess a balanced mix of job-specific hard skills and highly relevant soft skills that make them excellent colleagues to work with. Technical skills are not enough to get by in a workplace and top businesses today understand this well. For this reason, companies looking to improve their workforce actively invest in soft skills training to supplement job-specific training. If you are a business looking to do the same, here are 3 highly relevant soft skills every employee needs. 

Diversity Training – It’s Importance, What Should it include, and How to Implement Diversity Training

2025-01-08T13:58:38+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

Diversity training is quickly becoming a mainstay in organizational L&D. Businesses and leaders now acknowledge the benefits of having a diverse workforce. Additionally, awareness about opportunity gaps and biases has also increased, making companies more willing to re-evaluate their demographic to become more inclusive of communities.

3 Workplace Diversity Issues and How Diversity Training Can Help

2024-03-01T15:24:44+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

Awareness surrounding diversity in the workplace has taken off considerably in the past few years, however, workplace diversity issues still remain. All companies are different, some make a conscious effort to accommodate and create diversity while others don’t. For others, diversity continues to remain a blind spot despite the desire and effort to change things.

3 Critical Strategies for Compelling Diversity Training

2025-01-03T18:18:25+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

Achieving the desired diversity training results from diversity training programs is not always as easy as it seems for organizations. Inspiring meaningful change among employees often requires delivering highly compelling diversity training to learners. Given the subject matter of diversity training and humans’ natural tendency to resist change and view differences with caution, it can be difficult to inculcate open-mindedness and empathy in learners. This is reflected in PwC’s finding that only 4% of businesses feel their diversity training initiatives are succeeding. In this article, you will find 3 strategies for building compelling diversity training programs.  

Essential Leadership Skills in Corporate – 7 Reasons

2024-03-01T15:23:28+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs|

Essential Leadership Skills in Corporate is a matter of discussion of all round table conferences for several decades. It does not matter if you are running non-profit organizations (NGOs), a branch of government, or a for-profit enterprise: one will always need a vision for your team's future. You will also need leaders to execute your organizational goal successfully. From motivating others to cooperate in completing tasks to determining what tasks are important in the first place, leadership is essential to the business. In this blog, we will look at the importance of having leadership skills in business and how leadership in business administration can be a valuable skill at all levels of an organization.