Learning Styles and Objectives

Learning Everest regularly publishes articles on Learning Styles and Objectives which are information rich and provides the readers opportunity to ask questions. If you want us to assist your organization to identify the best learning styles or to write learning objectives for your courses, please feel to schedule a meeting to discuss your learning requirements

8 Beneficial Tactics on How to Deal with Conflict at the Workplace

2025-02-24T13:41:50+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Styles and Objectives|

A workplace is a confluence of diverse individuals collaborating to pursue common work objectives. Each employee upholds unique perspectives, behaviors, and dispositions, which may occasionally result in interpersonal conflicts. Dealing with conflict in the workplace is crucial for producing maximum outcomes in the organization. The following paragraphs discuss 8 beneficial tactics on how to deal with conflict in the workplace.

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Self-paced Training Explained: Definition, Pros and Cons, and Effective Tips

2025-02-17T11:53:13+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Styles and Objectives|

Self-paced training has emerged as the most preferred mode of training in the present era among learners from diverse backgrounds. Despite the numerous activities that learners engage in their personal and professional lives, self-paced training offers flexibility to balance learning pursuits effectively. Let us explore in depth the definition, pros and cons, and necessary tips to make the self-paced training effective in the upcoming paragraphs.

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The Relevance of Corporate Storytelling Training for Businesses Today

2025-02-06T11:20:53+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives|

Corporate Storytelling Training is a crucial tool that inspires organizations to craft compelling narratives to enhance their business. In today’s cutthroat competitive market, corporate storytelling is essential to attract customers to the organization. Corporate storytelling training guides employers, management, and relevant teams in creating inspiring stories about the organization for its stakeholders. This article will delve into the essence of corporate storytelling training, its core areas of focus, and the importance of its adoption leading to the seamless integration of storytelling into an organization.

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5 Best Practices for Crafting Impactful In-person Training Program

2025-02-24T10:30:36+05:30Categories: Compliance Trainings, eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives, Product and Service Training, Sales and marketing training|

In-person training is the traditional method of delivering effective training and imparting knowledge and ideas. Even with the advancements in technology and other training methods, the scope of in-person training has not declined due to its dynamic interactive environment. The following paragraphs provide insights into in-person training, its advantages and disadvantages, and five crucial strategies for creating an impactful in-person training program.

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How to Prepare, Implement, and Evaluate Performance Objectives Successfully

2024-12-02T11:44:18+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives|

Performance objectives are set goals an organization employs so that its employees can maintain their momentum and outperform the tasks. It motivates the individuals and the teams to yield higher outcomes by improving their overall performance. Do you want to know more about performance objectives, and how it is prepared, implemented, and properly evaluated in an organization? You’re in the right spot-just keep going and read on!

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5 Strategic Practices for Onboarding and Training Effectiveness

2024-11-18T10:54:51+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives|

Onboarding and Training are two integral components of orienting a new employee towards an organization. These strategies aim to assimilate the employees into the organizational culture and provide an overview of their work. To understand what onboarding and training are, how to combine these strategies for organizational success, and five strategic practices to be followed for effective onboarding and training, delve into this entire discussion.

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What is a Rotational Program, and what are its benefits?

2024-11-15T18:29:28+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives|

A rotational program is an initiative by an organization to let the employees ‘rotate’ through different departments and roles for a set period. A rotational program is often provided to new employees or fresh graduates to enhance their skills by providing training and hands-on experiences at different levels and creating in them an awareness of different aspects of work within the organization. If you’re keen to understand what a rotational program is and its benefits, this article is for you, read on!

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7 Effective Training Delivery Methods for Enhanced Learning

2024-11-05T14:27:11+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives|

Training Delivery Methods, or Training Modalities, refer to different pathways for imparting knowledge to learners. Efficient training delivery methods are essential for the learners to comprehend their niche better. With rapid technological growth, new learning delivery methods have become prominent while retaining conventional methods. This article explores in detail the popular training delivery methods in use today.

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Compelling Employer Value Proposition for Promoting Best Talent

2024-10-31T11:47:54+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives|

Employer Value Proposition is a core factor that makes an organization unique from its competitors. An Employer Value Proposition is a set of benefits, values, and offerings crafted by the employer to attract top-notch talent. If you’re eager to know more about Employer Value Proposition, its components, and how to craft one, you’re at the right place. Keep reading!

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From Curiosity to Success: Top Benefits of Inquiry-based Learning

2024-10-18T11:58:44+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives|

Inquiry-based learning is a self-directed training approach where learners explore ideas by asking questions and engaging in real-world problems to construct knowledge. While traditional learning strategies limit learners by being passive listeners, Inquiry-based learning provides an effective learning environment by letting the learners probe questions, investigate, and find solutions. Let’s delve into a detailed exploration of its definition, various types, and the benefits it offers in the upcoming paragraphs.

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