
Learning Everest regularly publishes articles on Microlearning which are information rich and provides the readers opportunity to ask questions. If you want us to assist your organization to create engaging and immersive microlearning courses, please feel to schedule a meeting to discuss your learning requirements.

8 Steps You Can take to Conduct a Training Needs Analysis

2025-01-06T16:29:06+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives, Microlearning, Mobile Learning|

Developing new employee training is a significant task, but it is often doomed to fail. It is essential to find out if training will help and, if so, what kind of training is needed. Effective training programs consider questions like, who needs training? Who will do the training? What form will the training take? How will knowledge be transferred to the job? How will the training be evaluated? Training needs analysis includes employee and organizational performance issues to determine if training can help. It involves monitoring current performance using observation, interviews, and questionnaires, anticipating future failures, and identifying the type and level of training required.

3 Ways to Use Microlearning for Sales and Marketing Training

2025-01-08T13:44:04+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Sales and marketing training|

Do you know that you should use microlearning for sales and marketing training? Corporates must provide regular sales and marketing training to their workforce to ensure that their sales and marketing team learns something new, upskill themselves with the latest details on products, services, and recent changes in the industry, and move forward in the market. As sales and marketing teams are often on the move with busy schedules, they need to have the latest data on products and services easily available to them. Microlearning can provide this quickly and effectively. This blog will discuss microlearning and how to use microlearning for sales and marketing training courses.

The Application of Mobile Learning in 4 Major Industries

2025-01-09T17:50:24+05:30Categories: Compliance Trainings, eLearning, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Mobile Learning|

The adoption and application of mobile learning has been slow and steady across industries. Mobile learning as a training solution has gradually taken shape over a decade and a half. But with research and innovation, along with the rise of remote work and the gig economy, mobile learning has now become incredibly popular. Today, mobile learning has evolved to bring quick, actionable knowledge and skills to learners’ fingertips, making it a favorite among users. This article will look at the application of mobile learning in 4 major industries to see how each of them leverages the medium.

How Can I Improve Employee Retention with Higher Employee Engagement?

2024-05-31T11:04:52+05:30Categories: Compliance Trainings, eLearning, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Onboarding Training|

Enhancing employee retention and engagement are vital elements for achieving success in any business. Engaged employees prove to be more productive, innovative, and loyal, ultimately resulting in favorable outcomes for the company.

6 Guidelines to Keep Remote Employees Engaged

2025-01-28T13:41:13+05:30Categories: Compliance Trainings, eLearning, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Product and Service Training|

There are numerous ways to keep remote employees engaged. In this article, we will cover some ways to maintain your organizational culture and keep remote employees engaged.

12 Best Skills That are Necessary for Customer Service Training

2025-01-08T18:03:54+05:30Categories: Compliance Trainings, eLearning, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Product and Service Training|

Customer service training is the training and upskilling of the customer service team to improve the support they can provide and thereby increase overall customer satisfaction. It is an ongoing process of growth throughout an agent’s time working in customer service. Training the customer service team allows them to communicate with customers more effectively, handle escalating problems, and successfully solve them. In this blog, we will discuss a few necessary skills needed to improve customer service in your organization.

15 Creative Ways to Improve Customer Service Training Programs

2025-01-09T11:00:46+05:30Categories: Compliance Trainings, eLearning, Microlearning, Product and Service Training|

Do you want to improve the customer service training program in your organization? Here are strategies on how to improve the customer service training program in your organization:

9 Guidelines Instructional Designers Must Follow Before Designing Sales and Marketing Training Module

2025-01-09T11:40:22+05:30Categories: eLearning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Sales and marketing training|

Have you ever wanted to use custom eLearning development programs to provide comprehensive and customized sales and marketing training to your employees so that you can improve employee engagement?

8 Ways to Increase the Completion Rates of Sales and Marketing Training

2025-01-08T16:11:14+05:30Categories: eLearning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Sales and marketing training|

Do you want to increase the completion rates of sales and marketing training? How do you get more employees to finish your sales and marketing training course and get the maximum value from it? In this blog, we will share a few ways to increase their course completion rates. Let us get started.

7 Reasons Why Leadership Skills Are Essential in Corporate

2025-01-07T18:30:40+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Mobile Learning|

It does not matter if you are running non-profit organizations (NGOs), a branch of government, or a for-profit enterprise: one will always need a vision for your team's future. You will also need leaders to execute your organizational goal successfully. From motivating others to cooperate in completing tasks to determining what tasks are important in the first place, leadership is essential to the business. In this blog, we will look at the importance of having leadership skills in business and how leadership in business administration can be a valuable skill at all levels of an organization.