
Learning Everest regularly publishes articles on Microlearning which are information rich and provides the readers opportunity to ask questions. If you want us to assist your organization to create engaging and immersive microlearning courses, please feel to schedule a meeting to discuss your learning requirements.

Corporate Microlearning: 3 Advantages and Disadvantages

2025-01-09T14:37:13+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Microlearning|

Corporate microlearning is one of the main training tools organizations use today. It refers to highly targeted, bite-sized learning delivered in short bursts. This learning format owes its popularity to the high learner engagement and knowledge retention it produces while also being cost and time efficient. But can corporate microlearning alone create a skilled workforce? As it stands, microlearning has its strengths and weaknesses. It is well-suited to some training needs and a poor fit for others. Let us look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of this approach so that you can make informed decisions about when and when not to use microlearning.

8 Great Ways to Build Interactive Microlearning Courses

2025-01-09T14:33:35+05:30Categories: eLearning, Microlearning|

Microlearning, which refers to bite-sized learning that tackles a single learning objective at a time, is 17% more effective than other forms of e-learning. Microlearning improves learner engagement, motivation, and retention and makes learning “sticky.” Interactive microlearning courses takes this a step further by adding elements learners need to actively engage with to progress through the e-learning. Adding simple interactivities can exponentially improve navigation through a course on the learner’s end, and thus, amplify microlearning’s benefits. This article will present 8 ways for building interactive microlearning courses.

4 Important Reasons Why Microlearning ROI is so High

2025-01-09T13:45:32+05:30Categories: eLearning, Microlearning|

Measuring microlearning ROI allows organizations to observe how well their development efforts fare. ROI is a standard metric that businesses use to determine whether their expenditures yield results. With microlearning ROI, they can compare microlearning costs and effectiveness with other training efforts and continually improve the quality of organizational L&D. Fortunately for companies that do opt for microlearning, the results are usually a net gain over past performance. In this article, we will look at 4 reasons why microlearning ROI is one of the highest among all e-learning interventions. 

Assess Microlearning Outcomes – 3 Effective Ways

2024-06-10T12:49:05+05:30Categories: Microlearning|

The trick to constantly improving your microlearning modules to drive business growth is to consistently measure microlearning outcomes. This principle applies to all learning, but microlearning’s emphasis on impact and goals makes it an approach that is especially concerned with outcomes. This is because one of the core features of microlearning is the measurability of changes that occur as a result of learning. An effective microlearning course clearly delineates the learning objective and successfully achieves it. However, measuring outcomes is not always a straightforward task. Here are 3 efficient ways to measure microlearning outcomes. 

8 Benefits of Using Rapid Authoring Tools to Create eLearning Courses

2025-01-08T10:52:30+05:30Categories: Articulate Storyline 360, eLearning, Microlearning|

Benefits of using rapid authoring tools: Does your organization require a more flexible employee training solution that adapts to the ever-changing needs? Are you looking for ways to cut employee eLearning costs and development time? If so, then rapid eLearning authoring tools may be the ideal approach.

Guidelines for selecting Best Rapid Authoring Tool – 11 Critical Tips!

2025-01-09T09:51:36+05:30Categories: Articulate Storyline 360, eLearning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning|

Rapid eLearning Authoring tools provide the technical prowess to facilitate rapid eLearning development. Rapid authoring tools can reduce development time, making it easy to update existing courses (with source files), improve learner engagement, and publish LMS-compatible courses based on the latest technical standards (SCORM, xAPI, CMI5, etc.). 

3 Training Areas Where Microlearning is a Perfect Fit

2025-01-08T12:09:27+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, Microlearning|

What are the areas where microlearning is a perfect fit? Microlearning courses offer bite-sized learning in quick and short bursts, making them a favorite among adult learners. The approach aims to weave highly relevant targeted of learning into the natural flow of work for minimal disruption to everyday tasks. According to the Journal of Applied Psychology, microlearning is 17% more effective than other forms of learning. However, it also comes with its caveats. As the complexity of a topic and the level of mastery required increases, microlearning’s benefits diminish. Hence, it is important to use the approach for the right training needs. This article will list 3 areas where microlearning is a highly effective approach. We will also look at some microlearning strategies commonly used in training. 

5 Essential Compliance Training Elements

2025-01-06T13:48:06+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, Compliance Trainings, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Compliance training protects businesses from mishaps and disrepute and transfers some accountability to employees regarding their conduct. Different industries have different compliance requirements; however, some compliance training elements are essential for all modern organizations to function. Here is a list of 5 essential compliance areas every business should include in their compliance efforts. Continue reading to see if your business has all these bases covered.

6 Reasons Why Agile Learning is Best for Learning and Development?

2025-01-09T11:58:59+05:30Categories: eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Learning Culture, Learning Management System, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

A universal approach to content does not work for workplace training because learners have diverse learning styles, experiences, vintage, socio-economic backgrounds, proficiency levels, etc. The Forgetting Curve theory states that if new information is not applied, 75% becomes useless after six days from training completion (Source: Economic Times, 2020). Learning and development need to change to serve the agile world. Agility is about adapting and moving quickly in the face of change. It is about taking risks. So, do you know what agile learning is?

Why Is Training Evaluation Important for L&D Programs?

2024-03-11T13:19:37+05:30Categories: eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Learning Management System, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

A training evaluation is an in-depth assessment to determine whether a project or program has achieved its objectives or not. Managers and trainers must consider it before training has occurred. The information gained from the training design process is valuable for evaluating the training. The evaluation process should begin with determining training needs. It helps to identify what knowledge, skills, behavior, or other learned capabilities are needed. The evaluation also helps identify where training is expected to impact. The evaluation results encourage all stakeholders in the training process, including managers, employees, and trainers, to design or choose the training that helps the organization meet its business strategy and helps managers and employees meet their goals.