
Learning Everest regularly publishes articles on Microlearning which are information rich and provides the readers opportunity to ask questions. If you want us to assist your organization to create engaging and immersive microlearning courses, please feel to schedule a meeting to discuss your learning requirements.

A Guide to Instructional Design Model

2025-01-07T14:03:27+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

What is an Instructional Design model? An instructional design model is a visual or verbal representation of the instructional design steps used to guide the design in training and [...]

What Does Synchronous Mean: How It Is Transforming Lives?

2024-12-30T10:49:34+05:30Categories: eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Learning Management System, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

What does synchronous mean? The rapid development of informational technology forces people to adapt to the change. Online learning, often known as e-learning, profoundly alters how individuals acquire knowledge. The traditional classroom lessons are taking a back seat, while virtual classrooms dominate the center space.

Implications of Bandura’s Social Learning Theory

2024-02-29T11:44:12+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Mobile Learning|

Although traditional learning has long been the standard, social learning and how it influences business training activities have recently received a lot of attention. But what is social learning? Can we only learn from our own experiences, or can we also learn through observing others, as proposed by the social learning theory? In order to address this question, psychologist Albert Bandura developed an intriguing experiment: the Bobo Doll experiment.

Asynchronous Class: Changing the Reality

2024-03-01T14:00:32+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Mobile Learning|

Online learning or e-learning fundamentally is changing the way people learn and grow. In the modern world, traditional classroom teachings are taking a back seat, while virtual classrooms are taking the center space. With live virtual classes where the facilitators using online platforms meet the learners, there are also asynchronous classes where instead of going online for an interactive session, the learners tend to complete the training independently in their flexible time. But how can someone learn in the absence of a facilitator? In this blog, we are going to discuss this in detail.

The Importance of a Learning Journey

2025-01-08T10:46:25+05:30Categories: eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

The pursuit of knowledge has the power to transform us. A learning journey nurtures this curiosity of transformation in the learners. It offers continued learning and ensures continued growth. It uses tools that can also help learners navigate the terrain to keep learners going. One can use a it to discover what to learn, how to learn, and what they are good at. Once they understand this, they can easily use the tools and techniques provided by a learning journey to improve their knowledge.

The New Age Training Theories: Re-Inventing Educational System

2025-01-08T11:14:20+05:30Categories: eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Mobile Learning|

The rapid development of informational technology forces people to adapt to the change. There is a change in the learning field and a shift in processes, strategies, and objectives. Academic content and delivery approaches are evolving with educational interactions involving the transfer of knowledge and skills. Nowadays, learning is not only a transfer of knowledge but also an activity that produces a transformation of mindset and behavior patterns. Learning theories are the frameworks that navigate new-age learning. Instructional designers extensively use them to meet the requirements of the target audience and the situation. In this blog, we will speak a little about a few learning theories and explain why we think it is essential to know about the new-age learning theories and their implications.

9 Ways of Implementing Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in the Corporate World

2024-05-21T12:40:18+05:30Categories: eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Mobile Learning|

So, what do we want after all? Why are we continually trying to achieve our goals? What keeps us motivated in our 9 to 5 jobs? Maslow proposed solutions to this broad group of concerns that frequently confuse human existence. He presented his theory known as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, where he talked about basic needs that motivate people. But how do these needs apply to our job and choice of career? First, let us see what the theory proposes.

Andragogy vs Pedagogy: Two Different Approaches To Learning

2025-01-09T09:57:33+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Andragogy vs Pedagogy - Andragogy and Pedagogy are a practice of learning. Both are used in the teaching-learning process. Before 1950, learning methods were centered only around the way children operated. After all, traditional schooling was pretty much how and where education took place. Finally, adult educator and researcher Malcolm Knowles in 1950 adopted the term “andragogy” to refer to adult learning. According to him, while children required more extrinsic motivation and relied on instructor-led methods, Knowles noticed that adults were self-directed and relied heavily on their past experiences when they approached learning opportunities.

What is e-learning : It’s a future to venture

2024-03-01T13:52:58+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

What does e-learning mean? In basic words, the word e-learning refers to electronic learning. It is a learning process that includes electronic devices like computers or laptops. It uses [...]

Leadership Skills to Conquer in Corporate World

2025-01-08T16:26:05+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Do you see yourself as a leader? People always look up to leaders. And while they sometimes receive more duties, they also frequently enjoy greater rewards. However, not everyone has the ability to lead. Leaders require to possess leadership skills. Leadership requires abilities and diligence, which are not always appealing to everyone pursuing their objectives. A good leader is self-aware and makes calculated decisions.