
Learning Everest regularly publishes articles on Microlearning which are information rich and provides the readers opportunity to ask questions. If you want us to assist your organization to create engaging and immersive microlearning courses, please feel to schedule a meeting to discuss your learning requirements.

Immersive Learning: Entering into a Future Beyond the Classroom

2024-03-14T12:11:26+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Learning Culture, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Immersive learning fundamentally is changing the way people learn and grow. Immersive learning, as a mode of eLearning method, is highly interactive and has a high-fidelity rate. To maintain the existence and the expansion of the technological era, immersive Learning leverages technologies such as Virtual reality (VR), Augmented reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Simulation learning to enable the learning process. These tools work for businesses, and they work for people. With the help of immersive learning tools, organizations can teach their employees better, faster, and more efficiently than traditional training methods. VR-based programs can improve performance by 70%. Moreover, 97% of learners would like to take an immersive course (Source: VRARA, ET & S). 7 out of 10 teachers want to use immersive technology to simulate experiences (Source: VRARA, ET & S). But what is immersive learning? And how do we create an immersive Learning environment?

Online Asynchronous Learning: A Flexible Way To Quickly Upskill

2025-01-07T15:03:14+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

There are two types of learning: one is Synchronous, and the other is Asynchronous. While the Synchronous learning method takes place in real-time, bringing together instructors and learners, there’s flexibility in accessing the learning materials in asynchronous learning. Asynchronous online learning together has a different approach to learning. Unlike traditional classroom teaching, the Asynchronous learning process makes knowledge affordable for everyone from everywhere. Before diving deep into the nature of asynchronous learning, let us see what Synchronous learning is.

Knowles’ Andragogy: Making Learning Relevant for Adults

2025-01-09T11:32:59+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Andragogy is a word derived from the Greek language, meaning “man-leading.” It is a direct contrast to “pedagogy,” another Greek-derived word for child-leading. Pedagogy refers to the art and theory of teaching children. Similarly, andragogy was developed to refer to the theory and practice of teaching adult learners.

Learning Organizations: The 5 Essential Disciplines

2025-01-08T11:39:51+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Learning Culture, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Are you familiar with “learning organizations”? Apex companies have one thing in common: a strong learning culture. Successful leaders understand the importance of broadening their horizons and consequently attract and shape similar employees.

4 Powerful and Sustainable Employee Engagement Ideas

2025-01-08T16:30:17+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Employee engagement is an important concept in corporate culture, content, and literature. An engaged workforce is an ideal all businesses aspire to. There is good evidence for doing so, too, since engaged employees benefit the organization in many ways.

Core Leadership Competencies That Make a Strong Business

2025-01-08T15:08:17+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Developing leadership competencies to fit organizational goals and vision is one of the chief determinants of a business's success.

What is Hybrid Learning: An Up-and-Coming Corporate Training Approach

2025-01-08T15:58:13+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

L&D or HR professionals in the 2020s have had a fair share of experience with remote and hybrid workforces by now. And to achieve business goals, training these employees is just as important as training those on location.

Adult Learning Theory and its Unique Challenges in E-Learning

2025-01-07T18:19:34+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

The adult learning theory, also known as andragogy, discusses how adults differ from children in their learning approach and requirements. First introduced in the 1960s by Malcolm Knowles, the theory has shaped adult learning activities for decades. This theory’s strengths are its simplicity and empathy for adults’ learning, as well as growth and esteem needs.

5 Ways to Implement Cognitive Learning in Corporate Training

2024-03-01T13:42:26+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Cognitive learning is an approach that emphasizes the internal mental processes that take place while learning. These internal mental processes are called “cognitive processes” and include activities like attention, sensation, perception, and memory. In this approach, the learner is an active participant in their learning journey and comes in with a unique set of knowledge, skills, experiences, and mental patterns.

Elements of Art and Principles of Design in E-Learning Content

2025-01-09T10:17:27+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Experienced e-learning professionals agree that digital instructional content incorporates elements of art and design principles. It is just as much about visual and artistic interest to the learner, as it is about acquiring knowledge and skills. Combined with the consumable nature of online learning, it becomes vital for instructional designers (ID) to always consider the aesthetic appeal of courses.