Performance Support Tools (PST)

Performance support tools are technology-based resources or aids that provide on-demand assistance, guidance, and information to individuals in a work environment.

The role of learning tools interoperability (LTI) in L&D

2024-09-13T18:25:41+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Culture, Learning Management System, Learning Needs, Performance Support Tools (PST)|

At the core of e-learning delivery system, there is a learning management system (LMS). It not only delivers the learning content but also develops an environment of learning and development that adds the content, the learner, the service provider, the instructional designer and the entire learning and development experience.

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The role of e-learning in the Performance improvement plan

2024-03-11T11:01:32+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives, Performance Support Tools (PST)|

In today’s modern corporate world, organizations are continuously seeking advanced strategies to deal with the improvement of employee performance and their overall productivity as an organization. One such avenue is the integration of e-learning methodologies into performance improvement plans. In this blog, we’ll delve into the role of e-learning in the performance improvement plan and the emerging trends and technologies in e-learning that can revolutionize traditional performance improvement plans and enhance the employee development process. Let’s begin!

9 Benefits of Performance Support Tools

2025-01-07T12:48:36+05:30Categories: eLearning, Performance Support Tools (PST)|

This article on 9 Benefits of Performance Support Tools is intended for those who wants to implement Performance Support Tools at their organization. Employees know their job well, but sometimes, they can run into a problem and look for various sources for a solution – peers, superiors, documents, manuals, etc. What if they can find the right help with a few clicks on their smartphone or a computer? This kind of just-in-time learning aid, also known as Performance Support Tools (PSTs), can provide the required performance support and thus increase their efficiency.

6 Challenges in implementing performance support tools (PSTs)

2025-01-09T10:13:42+05:30Categories: eLearning, Performance Support Tools (PST)|

Performance support tools (PSTs) are job aids and resources that help employees do their tasks more efficiently and effectively. These tools can come in a written or digital format. Performance support tools can be used by organizations who wants to train their employees quickly. But it is not without its challenges. Below we discuss the common challenges in implementing performance support tools as well as how to overcome them.

5 Common Myths about Performance Support Tools

2025-01-09T10:55:02+05:30Categories: eLearning, Performance Support Tools (PST)|

Are you aware of the myths about performance support tools? Do you also wonder whether they can be beneficial for your organization? In this article, we’ll debunk several popular myths about performance support tools and shed light on the actual benefits.