Scenario Based Learning

Robert Mager’s Performance-Based Learning Objectives

2024-02-29T12:15:16+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Do you know how to write the learning objectives correctly and how Robert Mager’s Performance-based learning objectives can be used? In designing an eLearning course, defining learning objectives is an important aspect. This is where Robert Mager’s Performance-based learning objectives come into play.

5 Approaches to Adaptive Learning

2024-03-01T13:10:03+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

The world of e-learning has undergone a significant change in recent times. With new technology emerging at every turn, the Learning and Development domain has seen many innovative ways of learning. Adaptive learning, though nothing new, is being incorporated in the corporate world to make sure each individual with diverse learning skills, goals, preferences, and strengths gets equal access to learning. After all, if job-related training is effective, it leads to a better employee retention rate.

Role of Social Media in Corporate Training

2024-03-01T13:09:20+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Organizations are now using social media in corporate training. Social media is used before, during, and after training sessions. So, how do you incorporate social media into your organization's learning culture? What is the role of social media in your organizations learning and development?

Rapid eLearning: Is it worth the hype?

2024-03-01T13:03:27+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Rapid eLearning has emerged in these times as something of a savior. Today, many corporate companies prefer this as an alternative to the traditional instructional design methods adopted before. Many organizations are short on time and need quick learning solutions that would make their training modules easily accessible online, and rapid eLearning is the solution.

Blended Learning: Enhancing the Corporate World

2024-03-01T13:02:43+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Since 1960, as technological innovation continued, blended Learning replaced the instructor-led training approach. In the corporate world, blended training has gained momentum and has successfully trained employees to a large extent.

How does microlearning impact Manufacturing training?

2024-03-01T13:01:59+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Manufacturing training is an essential part of any manufacturing industry. According to a Deloitte (2015) study, 4.6 million manufacturing jobs will be needed in the coming decade, but out of that 2.4 million jobs are expected to go unfilled due to the skills gap present now. USD 454 billion might be the cost of a lack of qualified talent on the manufacturing GDP in 2028. Between now and 2028, a persistent shortage of skills will cause USD 2.5 trillion in reduced output.

Corporate eLearning: Trend of the Future

2024-03-01T13:01:12+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Learning Culture, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

With the unprecedented changes the world has seen in these recent times, eLearning in every sector has gained more importance than before. Organizations have had to look at alternative options for their onboarding, training, and operation needs since the physical office spaces shut down. Once only remote employees were trained virtually. Today, with all the workforce working from home, corporate eLearning has become the norm. Corporate eLearning is here to stay as many organizations are looking at doing remote work and working from home as a permanent option.

ADDIE: A Comparison with Backward Design and Rapid Prototyping Model

2024-03-01T13:00:32+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

ADDIE has been the talk of the Instructional Systems Design world for a long time. We have, at some point, used it or a variation of it in our designing process. But have you wondered how the other models fare in the Instructional design field? Let us look at a comparison between ADDIE, Backward Design model, and Rapid Prototyping.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Decoded

2024-11-16T23:07:44+05:30Categories: Gamification of Learning, eLearning, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Bloom’s Taxonomy was created in the 1950s. With a group of psychologists, Benjamin Bloom created Bloom’s Taxonomy, a hierarchical model of the cognitive skills involved in learning. It set the learning objectives for learners and included six levels, namely Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation.

Andragogy – Adult Learning Theory

2024-03-01T12:53:42+05:30Categories: Gamification of Learning, eLearning, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Education is a never-ending process and Andragogy is of paramount importance in this process. There is no limit to what you can learn or when you can learn. Most of us consider education as a key that can unlock opportunities in the future. But we are also constantly learning something new, even as adults.