Scenario Based Learning

How can you integrate scenario-based learning into your customer service training modules?

2025-01-09T12:47:41+05:30Categories: eLearning, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Product and Service Training, Sales and marketing training, Scenario Based Learning|

If you are thinking about adding scenario-based learning to your customer service training sessions but need help with how to do this, this blog is for you. In this blog, we will take over a simple model to guide your planning of a scenario for your training course. But what is this scenario-based training? And how can you use this for customer service training programs? Let us discuss this first!

Why You Need to Deploy Vicarious Learning Theories in Workplace Training

2025-01-06T16:07:43+05:30Categories: eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Learning Styles and Objectives, Scenario Based Learning|

Have you ever watched a video on YouTube to learn how to do something? Although not everyone is familiar with it by name, we all have experience with vicarious learning. Learning new things by watching others do something. Let’s dive in!

5 Important Benefits of Scenario-based Learning

2025-01-04T11:42:48+05:30Categories: Learning Culture, Learning Needs, Onboarding Training, Scenario Based Learning|

In this article you will understand everything you need to know about scenario-based learning, including the types of scenario-based learning, what is a scenario and, benefits of scenario-based learning.

4 Easy But Essential Strategies for Scenario-Based Compliance Training

2025-01-09T12:28:15+05:30Categories: Compliance Trainings, Scenario Based Learning|

Curious to know about the essential strategies for Scenario-Based Compliance Training? L&D leaders are always looking for ways to improve organizational training for better learning, engagement, and retention. Unfortunately, compliance training is one of those areas where all three of these conditions fail to be met. Scenario-based compliance training is an interactive, dynamic, and active approach to teaching compliance that can bypass this issue. This article will give you a brief overview of scenario-based compliance training and some strategies to implement it. 

5 critical challenges of scenario-based learning?

2025-01-09T12:43:59+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, Scenario Based Learning|

What do you think is scenario-based learning and what are the challenges of scenario-based learning? A scenario is a story with characters and real-life conflicts and situations. A scenario-based learning program offers the learners a scenario or a situation and is then asked how to move forward in that given scenario to generate the learner’s response. A scenario works just like those stories you read. Instead of teaching through instructions, a scenario helps learners visualize situations involving characters playing specific roles. Here the learner gets to make certain decisions based on the situation, leading to positive or negative consequences.  

5 Essential Compliance Training Elements

2025-01-06T13:48:06+05:30Categories: Learning Needs, Compliance Trainings, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

Compliance training protects businesses from mishaps and disrepute and transfers some accountability to employees regarding their conduct. Different industries have different compliance requirements; however, some compliance training elements are essential for all modern organizations to function. Here is a list of 5 essential compliance areas every business should include in their compliance efforts. Continue reading to see if your business has all these bases covered.

6 Reasons Why Agile Learning is Best for Learning and Development?

2025-01-09T11:58:59+05:30Categories: eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Learning Culture, Learning Management System, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

A universal approach to content does not work for workplace training because learners have diverse learning styles, experiences, vintage, socio-economic backgrounds, proficiency levels, etc. The Forgetting Curve theory states that if new information is not applied, 75% becomes useless after six days from training completion (Source: Economic Times, 2020). Learning and development need to change to serve the agile world. Agility is about adapting and moving quickly in the face of change. It is about taking risks. So, do you know what agile learning is?

Why Is Training Evaluation Important for L&D Programs?

2024-03-11T13:19:37+05:30Categories: eLearning, Gamification of Learning, Learning Management System, Learning Needs, Microlearning, Mobile Learning, Scenario Based Learning|

A training evaluation is an in-depth assessment to determine whether a project or program has achieved its objectives or not. Managers and trainers must consider it before training has occurred. The information gained from the training design process is valuable for evaluating the training. The evaluation process should begin with determining training needs. It helps to identify what knowledge, skills, behavior, or other learned capabilities are needed. The evaluation also helps identify where training is expected to impact. The evaluation results encourage all stakeholders in the training process, including managers, employees, and trainers, to design or choose the training that helps the organization meet its business strategy and helps managers and employees meet their goals.